“In the face of uncertainty, let flexibility be your superpower, adaptability be your compass, and innovation be your fuel.”

“In the face of uncertainty, let flexibility be your superpower, adaptability be your compass, and.. “In the face of uncertainty, let flexibility be your superpower, adaptability be your compass, and..

The post “In the face of uncertainty, let flexibility be your superpower, adaptability be your..
Hot Worx, Volume, Open, Series, and Ladies Hot Worx, Volume, Open, Series, and Ladies

LUS – Episode 226 Hello Levo Family, Welcome to the 225TH edition of the Levo Update Show. Here are ..
Open, Mr. Gary, and Intramural Details Open, Mr. Gary, and Intramural Details

LUS – Episode 228 Hello Levo Family, Welcome to the 228TH edition of the Levo Update Show. Here are ..
Artwork, Nutrition, Open Intramural, and Karissa Artwork, Nutrition, Open Intramural, and Karissa

LUS – Episode 218 Hello Levo Family, Welcome to the 218th edition of the Levo Update Show. Here are ..
Labor Day, Yoga, and Ms. Amanda Labor Day, Yoga, and Ms. Amanda

LUS – Episode 209 Hello Levo Family, Welcome to the 209th edition of the Levo Update Show. Here are ..
Sunday 6/25/23 Sunday 6/25/23

WOD Sbarro 4 rounds 20/16 Calorie Row 20 Hang Power Cleans (75/55) 20 Box Jump Overs (20) L2: 16/12 ..
“Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s a stepping stone towards uncharted territories and.. “Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s a stepping stone towards uncharted territories and..

The post “Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s a stepping stone towards uncharted territories and..
“Don’t fear uncertainty; instead, view it as an invitation to think differently, explore new paths, .. “Don’t fear uncertainty; instead, view it as an invitation to think differently, explore new paths, ..

The post “Don’t fear uncertainty; instead, view it as an invitation to think differently, explore..
“In the realm of business, uncertainty separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Dare to be.. “In the realm of business, uncertainty separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Dare to be..

The post “In the realm of business, uncertainty separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Dare ..
“In the face of uncertainty, trust your instincts, leverage your strengths, and let your.. “In the face of uncertainty, trust your instincts, leverage your strengths, and let your..

The post “In the face of uncertainty, trust your instincts, leverage your strengths, and let your..
“Don’t let uncertainty paralyze you; let it inspire you to take bold actions and pioneer new paths.” “Don’t let uncertainty paralyze you; let it inspire you to take bold actions and pioneer new paths.”

The post “Don’t let uncertainty paralyze you; let it inspire you to take bold actions and pioneer..
“The path of entrepreneurship is paved with uncertainty, but it is also adorned with limitless.. “The path of entrepreneurship is paved with uncertainty, but it is also adorned with limitless..

The post “The path of entrepreneurship is paved with uncertainty, but it is also adorned with..
“Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s an invitation to explore uncharted territories and discover new .. “Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s an invitation to explore uncharted territories and discover new ..

The post “Uncertainty is not a barrier; it’s an invitation to explore uncharted territories and..
Sunday 3/26/23 Sunday 3/26/23

WOD Cayenne 16-14-12-10-8-6 Assault Bike 21-18-15-12-9-6 Burpees *Female Calories 14-12-10-8-6-4..
Friday 3/31/23 Friday 3/31/23

WOD Ant-Man & Wasp Teams of 2 (1:1) 8 Rounds (each) 3 Wall Walks 9 Front Squats (95/65) 12/10..
Tuesday 2/21/23 Tuesday 2/21/23

WOD Bench Press 5×5 5 Bench Press x 5 sets @75% of Heavy Single (Week 1) * Complete a set on the 2..
Tuesday 1/24/23 Tuesday 1/24/23

WOD Power Clean + Push Jerk 10×5 Every Minute (10:00) 5 Power Clean and Push Jerks – Use..
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